So you say you have nothing to hide…

But that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve, and are entitled to, privacy. Whether it’s writing emails, chatting with friends, or even making video calls, the world of cryptography is tackling all facets of online communication. Whereas using tools for encryption was once a lengthly and annoying process, manoevering silently online is getting easier and more accessible by the day, due in part to CryptoParties.

CryptoParties got their start in Australia in 2012 in response to the Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill 2011. The community driven gatherings have helped bring crypography and its tools to the masses, and are popping up all over the world. They are guided by four main principles:

  • free to attend,
  • public,
  • commercially and politically non-aligned and
  • absolutely against sexual harassment and discrimination.

It comes as no surprise that the scene in Berlin is booming. Barely a week goes by without a meetup somewhere. This week, we spoke to Lisa Passing, friend, RailsGirl, and CryptoParty organizer/advocate, about why everyone should encrypt their online communication, and just how easy it is.

